LGPD Website

Banco BV

About the Project

Early 2020 Brazil was about to release its first online data protection law, the LGPD - Lei Geral de Proteção aos Dados, freely translated as General Data Protection Law. BV bank needed to prepare itself to guarantee the law's obedience and also wanted to inform its clients about their new rights and explain all about the new law.

The bank relied on Tropikal, an Experience Design agency from Accenture Interactive, to create a transparency portal. Our mission was to simplify the content and show to clients the actions BV was taking to protect their data.

The thing is, people are not interested at all in juridical text.

Design process

This was a short project with only 2 months and 5 sprints to design both the content blog-like area and the logged one in which the customer could search what personal data BV has been using and manage it all, including erasing it.

Leading a 3 multidisciplinary design team in a short period of time was a challenge, and we had almost no security margin. So, I decided to focus our first week on researching the relationship people have with their data online, how Brazilians consume legal content (If they do) and started designing the entire portal user flow. At the same time, I had a content writer digging everything she found about the LGPD once she was going to be the one who would translate it all into nice and pleasant articles for people to read.

Meanwhile, we had another designer focusing on finding the product interaction framework knowing only that we were going to have tons of content going on at the portal. We were able to design several versions that went from "The Netflix of legal content" to "Legal content cards", here are some of the explorations:

At the same time, we were also looking at the IA of the portal, running a tree-test and coming up with a new strategy that would allow us to organize a menu that reflects what people were searching for and that facilitates the maintenance of it by TIM during its product and offer evolution.

Galeria de fotos

At the end of the discovery time, a couple of things was very clear to us:

  • People are uneasy about what companies do with their personal data, therefore it was a delicate subject we were dealing with.
  • A lot of people are unwilling to actually reading juridical texts due to its complicated vocabulary.

So we needed to not only create an "LGPD for dummies" text but also deliver that content in a way that makes people seeking for reading more. To do it we architectured the information at the law into small content pills.

Also, we started to bring some features that pacify the anxiety and give a sense of progress to readers such as a progress bar, tooltips for specific juridic words, and a "see how it is at the law" at the end of each text section.

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Galeria de fotos


By the time we were designing the whole product, we started to working closely with the dev team, creating a routine of checkpoints to find a balance between creativity and technology in the short time we had.

Besides, BV was already developing a Design System we wanted to push for personality and add new components to it and use the new illustration guide to picture people surrounded by their data.

Accessibility was also a huge concern, since we were talking about people’s rights, and we wanted to make it right from features to writing the text in a proper way.

After five sprints we had the whole product designed right on time to the law's validity, you can check it out at https://portaldetransparencia.bv.com.br/home.

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Galeria de fotos
Galeria de fotos


  • Bruno Vaz, Lead Designer
  • Kairon Sarri, Product Designer
  • Ana Laís Oliveira, UX Writer